Scott pruitt public safety his drivers
Scott pruitt public safety his drivers

scott pruitt public safety his drivers

In the past few days, it's emerged that Pruitt got a sweet rental deal on a condo owned by the wife of an energy company lobbyist-a lobbyist whose client got a pipeline approved by the EPA last year. But not because he's bad at his job, per se. Now is as good a time as any to assess Pruitt's record because there's widespread speculation he could be forced out in the near future. Though Pruitt has also claimed to believe climate change is real, like the rest of the Trump administration, he seems to be fine totally ignoring and even exacerbating it-the consequences be damned. He's even said that maybe climate change could be a good thing. But Pruitt himself likely doesn't care, as he's publicly voiced doubt that carbon dioxide is driving climate change, a view contradicted by the scientific consensus. If you are concerned about the quality of the country's air and water, not to mention climate change, these things probably worry you.

Scott pruitt public safety his drivers